La Royal Court of Justice del Regno Unito ordina la judicial review del diritto di copia privata senza equo compenso
Con sentenza del 19 giugno scorso, la Royal Court of Justice ha ammesso la revisione…
Con sentenza del 19 giugno scorso, la Royal Court of Justice ha ammesso la revisione…
Il 17 luglio 2014, a soli tre mesi della sentenza della Corte europea di Giustizia…
Per la Corte d’Appello di Londra Google non ha più un ruolo a purely passive…
[La pubblicazione di questo contributo a firma di Raffaella Natale costituisce parte della collaborazione editoriale…
Last weekend saw the arrest of a 19 year old man from Kent for allegedly…
It is been more than four months now since Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation decided to…
New guidance brings clarity to advertisers and consumers on the use of “unlimted” and “up…
PhonepayPlus today published a public consultation on its proposed Guidance for app-based mobile payments. PhonepayPlus…
Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt laid out a bold vision of a new Communications Act to…
Ofcom has today outlined how it plans to safeguard the future supply of landline numbers…
Viewers may be able to watch more High Definition (HD) TV through a standard roof-top…
Ofcom has progressed plans for the introduction of White Space technology in the UK –…
Representatives from the social media industry today visited the Home Office to discuss cooperation with…
Google Inc. has taken reasonable steps to improve its privacy policies, the Information Commissioner’s Office…
New Ofcom research reveals the extent to which the UK has become addicted to smartphones,…
Prime Minister David Cameron has delivered a statement to the House of Commons on the…
Plans for a single Government web domain, which would radically reduce the current bureaucracy surrounding…
The Open Data consultation paper sets out Government’s proposed approach for Transparency and Open Data…
Millions of homes and businesses in rural parts of the UK could get better value…
National courts must be able to order those companies to take measures intended not only…
Ofcom has recently launched the UK’s first interactive map of fixed broadband, using actual data…
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has required CCTV monitoring website Internet Eyes to make significant…
Charleston, SC & London, UK – BiblioLabs, LLC and the British Library are proud to…
Francis Maude, the Government’s newly appointed Minister for Cyber Security, today urged business leaders to…
Ofcom has published its first research into the performance of mobile broadband across the UK.…
Information Commissioner’s Officer gives website owners one year to comply with cookies law. Organisations and…
An independent report by Ian Hargreaves – In November 2010 the Prime Minister David Cameron…
1. (Il fatto) Una società inglese, che operava quale mandataria di altre società titolari dei…
Nelle scorse settimane il Cabinet Office inglese ha pubblicato un documento contenente la nuova strategia…
Should there be a specific “right to be forgotten” in the era of social media…
News Corporation’s bid to fully acquire British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) will be given the green…