I network oscurano Trump: lezioni di giornalismo davanti alle menzogne del potere
Una domanda corre sottotraccia in molti dibattiti sui “diritti e doveri” del giornalista: la stampa…
Una domanda corre sottotraccia in molti dibattiti sui “diritti e doveri” del giornalista: la stampa…
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) published on the 11th of November…
On November 9, ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) created guidelines aimed at securing…
The European Commission published on Thursday its draft implementing decision on standard contractual clauses for the…
The Spanish Supreme Courtruled on 15 September 2020[1] that the use of data collected by…
On November 11, during its 41st plenary session, the EDPB adopted recommendations on measures that…
On November 10, the EDPS released the opinion on the European Commission proposal for temporary derogations…
È della scorsa settimana la notizia: ADCU (App drivers & Couriers Union – tradotto l’Unione…
Webinair 2 Global challenges: the big picture. On 18th of November at 7.00 PM-9.30 PM…
Content published today on Virtual IACL Global Roundtable – Democracy 2020 at the following link.…
Summary: 1. Introduction. – 2. The challenged AGCM decision. –3. The Administrative Court ruling. –4.…
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Commento alla Cass., Sez. V, n.16975 del 4 giugno 2020 Presidente: E. Scarlini Relatore: M.T.…
On October 29, The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued a strategic document aiming to monitor…
Diritti fondamentali, territorio statale e sorveglianza elettronica La funzione originaria e ancora principale dei diritti…
Sì condizionato del Garante privacy su uno schema di regolamento della Provincia autonoma di Trento…
Con la Deliberazione del 1 Ottobre 2020, il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali…
On October 6, 2020, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the…
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Pubblichiamo la registrazione del webinar “Processo penale e Intelligenza Artificiale” organizzato dalla Fondazione Leonardo – Civiltà…
This article was first published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory …
On October 21st, the EDPB, following public consultation, adopted a final version of the Guidelines on…
Pubblicato per il numero 4/2020 di Law and Media Working Paper Series il contributo di Lorenzo Albertini…
On October 16th, the Board of Regulators adopted the BEREC Opinion on the draft European Commission’s (EC)…
Oggi, 21 ottobre, è stata pubblicata la memoria del Presidente del Garante per la protezione…
On October 15, the European Commission welcomes the Joint declaration by 25 EU Member States on…
Speaker: Giuseppe Abbamonte (European Commission) University of Oxford – Faculty of Law Week: MT7 24…
Law and Media Working Paper Series no. 4/2020 Sulla responsabilità civile degli internet service provider…
During its 39th plenary session, the EDPB adopted guidelines on the concept of relevant and reasoned…
The Council of Europe published its 2020 Data Protection Report in October 2020 whose title is…
The Advocate General has issued an Opinion in Case C-392/19, VG Bild-Kunst v. Stiftung Preußischer…