More Than Just a Game: Interactive Entertainment and Intellectual Property Law (second edition) – 8 April 2016


More Than Just a Game: Interactive Entertainment and Intellectual Property Law (second edition) – 8 April 2016

Time: 2:00pm

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB

Interactive Entertainment is bursting with Intellectual Property. In this environment, creativity meets the latest technologies, thereby spawning cutting-edge law issues. Now in its second edition, this seminar will address some of the fundamental questions on the relationship among interactivity, creativity, IP protection, infringement and limitations and exceptions.

Once again, this seminar will provide a platform for academics, practitioners, developers and publishers to share views, exchange ideas, discuss challenges and explore solutions; in order to map the Intellectual Property issues that must to be addressed for a more appropriate promotion and protection of interactive entertainment works.

Follow us on Twitter @QM_IEL and Tweet us using the hashtag #IELConf.


  • 14.00-14.30 Registration
  • 14.30-14.45 Welcome, Dr Gaetano Dimita, CCLS/ QMUL
  • 14.45-15.15 Game Cloning:  Intellectual Property Theft? or Fair Use?, Scott M. Kelly, Attorney, Banner & Witcoff
  • 15.15-15.45 Fighting Bots, Pirate Servers and Other Enemies of Online Games, Dr Andreas Lober, Partner, Beiten Burkhardt
  • 15.45-16.30 Panel Discussion: Creative Use of Third Parties’ Intellectual Property
    Chair: The Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, Sir Hugh Laddie Chair of Intellectual Property Law, UCL
    Arty Rajendra, Partner, Rouse Legal
    Robert Guthrie, Partner, Osborne Clarke
    Alessandro Cimaschi, Intellectual Property, Legal & Business Affairs, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
    Dr. Joan Purvis, Head of Rights, BBC World Service Group
  • 16.30-17.00 Coffee
  • 17.00-17.30 E-Sport, Craig Fletcher, Founder and CEO, Multiplay
  • 17.30-18.00 Legal Contradictions Manifest in Video Game Worlds: Through the Post-Structuralist Looking Glass, Professor Jon Festinger QC, Festinger Law & Strategy LLP
  • 18.00-18.45 Panel Discussion: End User License Agreements and Terms of Service
    Chair: Professor Uma Suthersanen, Professor in International Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London
    Paul Gardner
    , Partner, Osborne Clarke
    Professor William Latham, Professor of Computer Games and Entertainment, Goldsmiths, University of London, and CEO Games Audit
    Dr Yin Harn Lee, Lecturer, University of Sheffield
    Nicolas Murfett
    , Senior Associate, Harbottle & Lewis
    Anna Klingberg, IP Enforcement, Mojang
  • 18.45-19.00 Closing Remarks, Dr Gaetano Dimita, CCLS/ QMUL
  • 19.00-19.45 Reception



This is an approved event in the London Games Festival Fringe.



How to book

This event is by invitation only.

If you would like to attend this event but have not received an invitation, please contact Dr Gaetano Dimita on and Catherine Pocock on


For more information, please contact the CCLS Events Team on

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Please note that CCLS events may be photographed or video and audio recorded. These materials will be used for internal and external promotional purposes only by Queen Mary University of London. If you object to appearing in the photographs, please let our photographer know on the day. Alternatively you can email the CCLS Events Team on in advance of the event that you are attending.

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