Mediation on private copying and reprography levies: António Vitorino presents his Recommendations to Commissioner Barnier


The mediation process on private copying and reprography levies has concluded with the presentation today of the Mediator’s Recommendations to Commissioner Barnier. António Vitorino, former European Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs, who was entrusted with this task by the Internal Market Commissioner, recommends two main streams of action. First, Mr Vitorino proposes to foster increased reliance on licences and contractual arrangements as the best way to ensure that right holders are properly remunerated for their creative efforts and investments. In addition, he recommends measures aimed at reconciling disparate national levy systems within the Single Market.

António Vitorino said “I arrived at my recommendations following thorough consideration of all the arguments put forward by the stakeholders in the mediation process as well as on the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union with the aim of facilitating and advancing future discussions as much as possible. The final aim, in my view, should be twofold: to foster tailor-made licensing agreements which allow creators to be remunerated directly, and to reconcile the existing, diverging national levy systems and the principles of the Internal Market. I am also convinced that levy systems must be transparent, more understandable and legitimate for consumers and all concerned operators alike.”

Internal Market and Services Commissioner Michel Barnier said “I am very grateful to António Vitorino for accepting this difficult mission and for carrying it out in such a smooth and constructive manner. His recommendations will constitute an essential contribution towards progress in this difficult matter, and will feed into the process on content in the Digital Single Market launched in December. Our objective is to achieve a well-functioning Digital Single Market and to enable new business models to thrive and meet changing consumer expectations and preferences. Copyright law and licensing practices need to remain fit for the 21st century. I will make sure that António Vitorino’s recommendations are taken into account in any further steps to be taken regarding private copying and reprography levies, and in particular in the on-going review of the EU copyright framework.” Here to read more.

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