Margrethe Vestager – Competition policy for the Digital Single Market: Focus on e-commerce


The process of European integration has torn down borders. This is one thing everyone knows and likes about the EU. It has become normal to travel from Germany to Poland – say – and take back home the goods you have bought during your trip.  Unfortunately, buying goods online is a lot more difficult. It sounds like a paradox, but we still have a number of digital borders. It is high time we removed these barriers, which keep Europe’s digital markets fragmented.  The potential of information technology for our societies and economies is huge. And we have a lot to do in Europe to tap this potential. This is why we work with great determination on the creation of a genuine Digital Single Market.  And this is not only about shopping online. For instance, it’s never been easier to stay in touch with family and friends.  Personally, I find it very useful that I can send flowers to my American relatives with just a few clicks.  Of course, we need to be aware of the implications of being always online – and not all of them are good for us. For instance, privacy has become a concern.  There is also a political side to the issue. The European project has always been about bringing together the peoples and the countries of the continent. And with our Single Market also free movement of goods, services, capital and people.  We simply cannot miss the opportunities offered by technologies that – in principle – are indifferent to the borders between countries and continents.  This means that it does not make sense for the countries of the EU to have 28 different rules on telecom regulation, 28 national regulators, and 28 different ways of allocating spectrum within national borders. Here to read more.

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