Mapping the progress of Digital Agenda for Europe


On Thursday, 21 June and Friday, 22 June, the Digital Agenda Assembly will bring together MEPs, member states, EU institutions, the research community, and citizens’ and industry representatives to assess progress and emerging challenges of the Digital Agenda for Europe – the EU’s roadmap for a digital society and economy.
On 21 June, workshops at the committee of the regions will focus on issues such as convergent media platforms, high-speed connections, e-commerce, social media, potential of data, cloud computing, security and innovation.

The workshops will present their conclusions during the plenary meeting in the EP hemicycle which will be opened by Alexander Alvaro (ALDE, DE), vice president of the European Parliament, and Neelie Kroes, vice-president of the European Commission. The event is co-organised by the European Parliament. Here to read more.

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