L’erba del vicino: verizon vuole fare scelte editoriali su ciò che passa in rete


Quello che ha scritto ‘sta roba immagino sia stato licenziato…
un operatore TLC che vuole fare scelte editoriali “freatureing some content over the others”
Il mondo s’e’ impazzito.. L’invidia (nei confronti degli OTT, molto piu’ sexy finanziariamente) e il caldo giocano brutti scherzi..

Verizon Wants The “Freedom” To Edit Your Internet | Blog | Media Matters for America.

Broadband providers transmit their own speech both by developing their own content and by partnering with other content providers and adopting that speech as their own. For example, they develop video services, which draw information from, and are then made available over, the Internet. Many also select or create content for their own over-the-top video services or offer applications that provide access to particular content. They also transmit the speech of others: each day millions of individuals use the Internet to promote their own opinions and ideas and to explore those of others, and broadband providers convey those communications. In performing these functions, broadband providers possess “editorial discretion.” Just as a newspaper is entitled to decide which content to publish and where, broadband providers may feature some content over others. Although broadband providers have generally exercised their discretion to allow all content in an undifferentiated manner, Order ¶ 14 (JA__), they nonetheless possess discretion that these rules preclude them from exercising

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