WSIS+10: Work in Progress
The overall WSIS review is a complex process involving multiple UN agencies. This review also…
The overall WSIS review is a complex process involving multiple UN agencies. This review also…
New scientific discoveries and tech progress always exert influence upon the law. Internet is not…
Multi-stakeholder governance models are based on a dialectic exercise involving natural and legal persons that…
Il presente contributo a firma del prof. Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich viene ripubblicato nell’ambito della collaborazione…
On February 15, the Italian Minister for Economic Development announced a new tranche of public…
2012 was characterized by a number of innovations in legal provisions, case law and regulations…
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Half of all internet users are unsure whether the content they are accessing online is…
This is the reposting of an article first published on Diritto Mercato Tecnologia (http://www.dimt.it/interna.php?id_sezione=29&id_articolo=627&noNav=#.UMTqTo5E–A) Nell’era…
Continua la collaborazione editoriale fra Medialaws e Key4biz. L’articolo è un reposting del contributo originariamente…
Il Bundesgerichtshof ha recentemente dato seguito, con un altro “tassello”, alla lunga “querelle” sulla responsabilità…
Last weekend saw the arrest of a 19 year old man from Kent for allegedly…
This is the reposting of a comment first published on Michael Geist’s blog at http://www.michaelgeist.ca…
Single Market between past achievements and present concerns From 15 to 20 October, the 27…
This is the reposting of a comment first published on Prof. Vincent Guatrais’s blog at…
Come scrivevamo qualche settimana fa su questo stesso sito, in tema di presupposti per l’applicazione…
«Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from…
This article aims to tackle some of the issues raised by Mr. Vinton Cerf’s editorial,…
This is the re-posting of a comment first appeared on the blog internetSERVICE (http://www.internetservice.net/2011/10-ways-the-internet-changed-wars-forever) We…
Internet è un’infrastruttura tecnologica, materia di bit e di algoritmi. La comunicazione si svolge a…
1. La XVI Legislatura della Repubblica Italiana, iniziata con la prima seduta delle Camere il…
A new survey shows that nearly half of internet users in Britain are ‘Next Generation…
AGCOM Board, chaired by Corrado Calabrò, has approved a draft Regulation about Copyright protection in…
The e-G8 Forum that recently took place in Paris was meant to involve various stakeholders…
Korea tops a new OECD PISA survey that tests how 15-year olds use computers and…
ICANN’s Board of Directors has approved a plan to usher in one of the biggest…
(Dal Sole 24 Ore di domenica 12 giugno 2011) Si trasferisce in Europa il dibattito…
On May 4 2011, in a ceremony hosted by the European Commission, a representative group…
Nella mattinata odierna è stata presentata alla Camera dei deputati la relazione annuale sull’attività svolta…
Regulators and policy makers should boost competition among mobile telephone operators to cut the high…