A year ago on 26 May 2011, the Information Commissioner published new guidance and announced that he would allow organisations a year-long period to work towards compliance with the new changes.
A year on and the ICO has hosted a media briefing, updated the guidance, written to a sample of more than 50 organisations behind popular websites and worked directly with others to help achieve compliance.
We’ve also spoken about the changes at over 30 events. We’ve been saying that we expect organisations to be on the path to compliance – which means that UK websites must provide visitors with sufficient information to make a decision on whether they are happy for a cookie to be placed on their device and obtain consent before placing a cookie.
We’ve stressed that there’s no ‘one size fits all approach’. We think that organisations themselves are best placed to develop their own solutions. They will know how and why their customers use their websites better than we do.
The Information Commissioner is responsible for enforcing the law, and can’t change the legislation which was passed by the EU, and later implemented by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Here to read more.