Green Paper: Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values Frequently Asked Questions


Why a Green Paper? Does the Commission plan to review the Audiovisual Media Services Directive?

The Commission wants to open a broad, public discussion on the implications of the on-going transformation of the audiovisual media landscape. The consultation does not presuppose any specific outcome. Nonetheless, in the medium to long term it may have an impact on a number of legal instruments, including the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD).

Does converging technologies mean that traditional broadcasting is no longer relevant?

No. On average, people still watch 4 hours of traditional TV (also known as “linear” broadcasting) a day across the EU. But our viewing habits are evolving. Connected devices like PCs, smartphones, tablets and games consoles make it easier to create, distribute, share and view all types of content no matter when or where you are. Converging technologies and changing viewing patterns have pushed broadcasters, technology companies and other players to develop and adapt business models.

What does this convergence mean for growth and innovation?

  1. Equipment manufacturers and technology developers can serve a growing market with innovative devices including user-friendly interfaces and accessibility solutions.

  2. Network operators will see increased demand for bandwidth with a positive impact on investments in high-speed networks.

  3. Content creators can find new ways to increase their audience, monetise their works and experiment with creative ways to produce and offer content.

  4. Broadcasters can find more platforms to distribute their content and enhance their interactive offerings.

And what could this mean for viewers?

For example, a Polish student spending her Erasmus year in London could watch TV series and other content from Polish broadcasters on her tablet or connected TV. She could pay with her Polish credit card — just like back home in Krakow – because Polish services were provided to London. Imagine that her flatmate is from the UK and is writing a thesis on films by Portuguese directors. During the day he watches material from Portuguese broadcasters on online platforms. In the evening the flatmates often relax by watching together sports events from various EU countries. Here to read more.

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