Bože, Zarja chrani! Political Protest and Incitement to Religious Hatred in Russia in the Light of the “Pussy Riot” ECtHR Case
Visualizza allegato European Court of Human Rights, 17 July 2018, Mariya Alekhina and others v.…
Visualizza allegato European Court of Human Rights, 17 July 2018, Mariya Alekhina and others v.…
For the past seven years, the Fidesz regime in Hungary has built, bit by bit,…
Attacks on Paris and Brussels in the past year have put the Western world on high alert, and…
L’ultimo appuntamento con la Net neutrality al quale avevamo preso parte risale al 26 Febbraio…
All’indomani delle elezioni europee, che in Italia hanno sollevato una vivace polemica riguardo la visibilità…
(Corte Edu, Sezione Prima, Delfi contro Estonia, ricorso n. 64596/09, sentenza 10 Ottobre 2013) 1. …
“Libertà va cercando, ch’è sì cara, come sa chi per lei vita rifiuta”. Non sono…
In Ulyanovsk city according to court order of first instance on May 23, 2013 OJSC…
Below is the text of the lecture that Prof. Oreste Pollicino (Bocconi University) and Dr.…
«Controllo del web» è espressione che stona, anche se a pronunciarla è una persona la…
The publication of this comment is part of a cross-posting agreement between Medialaws and IPilogue…
YouTube, LLC has filed in the Arbitration Court of Moscow lawsuit against the Federal Service…
Il problema dell’informazione sui media desta sempre notevole interesse, che si connota di un fascino…
1. Un recentissimo arresto della Corte di Cassazione (sent. Sezione III penale, 13 giugno 2012…
Under attack from antitrust regulators in the US as well as in Europe, Google asked…
On March 27 Oreste Pollicino and Marco Bassini spoke at the conference on “Media Pluralism…
If William Shakespeare were drafting Hamlet’s soliloquy nowadays, he would probably rejuvenate it in this…
It’s been a peculiar day in relation to Ireland’s SOPA. First of all, junior minister…
Twitter announced last Thursday (January 26) through a blogpost,“Tweets still must flow”, that it…
Gli appassionati di fantascienza ricorderanno un film del 1994, “Stargate”, nel quale un’antica porta, riattivata…
L’Ungheria pone a rischio i valori dell’Unione ? “Il cambiamento che oggi abbiamo democraticamente determinato…
The Hungarian Constitutional Court passed its long-awaited decision on Monday, 19th December: it annulled an…
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. 2. Internet e i giudici comparatisti. 3. Il blogging, ovvero del bilanciamento…
The British government started earlier this year to consider new legislation on the topic of…
The Canadian-Hungarian Democratic Charter (CHDC), a Montréal-based civil rights organisation founded by scholars that have professional…
Hyperlinks in websites to other websites are analogous to footnotes in books or articles. As…
On July 29, 2011, Judge Leonie M. Brinkema of the Federal District Court in Alexandria,…
Some readers may think this is the title of an episode of “The Simpsons” but…
The US Supreme Court has struck down a Californian law banning the sale or rental…
Struggling frenetically in keeping ourselves updated we often drop out some important judgments just because…
On 22 June, the Dutch Parliament passed a law stopping mobile operators from blocking or…
A highly charged debate about the new Hungarian constitution pitted the EPP against the other…