ECJ: Microsoft ’s acquisition of Skype is compatible with the int ernal market


Skype provides internet – based commun ications services and software enabling instant messaging and voice and video communications . Microsoft is a United States company whose activities relate essentially to the design, development and sale of computer software and the supply of related services which include internet – based communications services and softwar e offered to both the gene ral public and business users. In September 2011, Microsoft notified to the Commission the concentration by which it intended to acquire control of Skype.

Cisco and Messagenet, companies which supply internet – based communicatio ns services and software to unde rtakings and the general public respectively, submitted observations to the Commission by which they sought to demonstrate the anti – compe titive effects that the planned merger would have . In October 2011, the Commission none the less declared that concentration 1 to be compatible with the internal market. Cisco and Messagenet then brought an action before the General Court for annulment of the Commission’ s decision. Microsoft ’s acquisition of Skype is compatible with the int ernal market Here to read more.

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