“Digital Constitutionalism Roundtable” – Harmony in Complexity: Bridging Borders through Multidisciplinary Approaches to AI Regulation


MediaLaws is pleased to announce that last 16th of January, the DigiCon group organised a Digital Constitutionalism Roundtable with Chiara Gallese Nobile as Keynote speaker, chaired by Erik Longo, to discuss multi-disciplinary approaches to AI Regulation, in order to find “Harmony in Complexity: Bridging Borders through Multidisciplinary Approaches to AI Regulation”.

Chiara’s speech highlighted the purpose of her MSCA project at the University of Turin and presented pitfalls and opportunities of AI and data concerning health, emphasising the need for technical and legal intersections to build a solid framework for the use of such data. A discussion followed between young scholars who took part in the MediaLaws symposium on transnational challenges posed by AI, who also presented their blog posts:

You can find the presentations in the video below:


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