Digital Agenda: Commission and European industry commit to bigger and better robotics sector


The European Commission, industry and academia have agreed to launch a Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Robotics, to help Europe-based companies take a larger share of the €15.5 billion annual global robotics market. Representatives from European robotics manufacturers, research institutes joined European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes in signing a Memorandum of Understanding, the first step towards a PPP launch in 2013. The Commission believes that the future PPP will strengthen the EU robotics sector.

Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, said “A strong robotics industry is key to Europe’s future competitiveness. Growing our robotics industry means new jobs and a strong European manufacturing sector. ”

Robotics is a key driver for Europe’s growth and competitiveness. Three millions jobs are created or maintained worldwide as a result of using one million industrial robots. Europe’s robotics industry is highly successful, accounting for about a quarter of the global production in industrial robotics and a 50% market share in professional service robotics. The domestic and professional service robot markets are expected to grow by 40% in the coming years with the strongest growth in rescue, security and professional cleaning applications. By 2020, service robotics could reach a market volume of more than 100 billion euros per year. The PPP in Robotics aims to:

1. Develop strategic goals for European robotics and foster their implementation;

2. Improve the industrial competitiveness of Europe through innovative robotic technologies;

3. Provide robotic products and services as key enablers to help solve Europe‘s societal challenges;

4. Strengthen the networking activities of the European robotics community;

5. Promote European robotics;

6. Reach out to existing and new users and markets;

7. Contribute to policy development and address ethical, legal and societal issues.

The private partners in the PPP (from academia and industry) will now prepare a proposal for the PPP for, the Commission to examine and formally endorse. Here to read more.

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