Commission launches consultation on integrated parcel delivery market to boost e-commerce in the EU


For many e-commerce businesses, the weeks leading up to Christmas represent one of the peak periods of the year for sales. However, a number of them are missing out on potential business because of concerns about delivery. Studies show that only 9% of EU consumers buy goods online from other countries, with both e-retailers and consumers expressing their concerns about the shortcomings of current delivery systems used for goods ordered on line. 57% of e-retailers consider cross-border delivery to be an obstacle to trading, while 47% of consumers worry about delivery in cross-border transactions. An efficient delivery (and return) system is key to facilitating further growth in e-commerce and therefore consumer choice and convenience.

There is an urgent need to address delivery concerns and improve delivery systems. This is why the Commission has today adopted a Green Paper consultation on the delivery of parcels, with special emphasis on cross-border issues and e-commerce needs.

“This Green Paper consultation will help identify the right measures to improve parcel delivery in the single market,” said Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services. “A flexible and well-performing EU-wide delivery system focusing on the expectations of consumers and specific needs of e-commerce will contribute directly to the enormous potential of e-commerce for boosting growth and creating jobs.” Here to read more.

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