Banda larga, Italia sempre fuori dai primi 10
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Il Consiglio dell’’Autorità per le Garanzie nelle comunicazioni, presieduto da Corrado Calabrò, nella sua riunione…
A proposal for a long-term solution to the continued high cost of using mobile phones…
There are calls today for a concerted, coordinated crackdown on cyber crime in the face…
Con provvedimento del 15 giugno scorso l’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato all’esito di…
INSEAD, the leading international business school, recently announced the findings of The Global Innovation Index…
Korea tops a new OECD PISA survey that tests how 15-year olds use computers and…
With effect from 1st July 2011 to 30 June 2012 EU mobile operators will again…
According to the directive on rental right and lending right and on certain rights related…
The Power of Open, released last week, demonstrates the impact of Creative Commons through stories…
In culmination of its work over the last year, the FCC Working Group on the…
Thirteen photonics research projects are being launched in the field of high-speed fibre broadband networks…
Among the most basic of human needs is the need to connect with others. With…
Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to open, together with such distinguished colleagues, the…
WIPO’s top copyright negotiating body will recommend to the September session of the General Assembly…
The US Supreme Court has struck down a Californian law banning the sale or rental…
The fast-growing popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs is driving growth in mobile broadband services.…
Le Creative Commons Public Licenses sono delle licenze di diritto d’autore che si basano sul…
La Commissione europea mette sotto esame Trentino Ngn, il veicolo societario a capitale pubblico-privato che…
On 22 June, the Dutch Parliament passed a law stopping mobile operators from blocking or…
NEW YORK – La Federal Trade Commission, ha deciso di inviare a Google un’ingiunzione nell’ambito…
The European Commission has imposed a fine of €127 554 194 on telecoms operator Telekomunikacja…
Speech at the Online Tracking Protection & Browsers Workshop Brussels, 22 June 2011 – Thank…
On 10 June Ofcom has launched a review into the UK’s TV advertising trading market.…
Brussels, 21 June 2011. Only two social networking sites (Bebo and MySpace) tested on behalf…
The British Library and Google announced a partnership to digitise 250,000 out-of-copyright books from the…
ICANN’s Board of Directors has approved a plan to usher in one of the biggest…
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According to the Directive on copyright and related rights in the information society1, the exclusive…
Nella giornata del 14 giugno è stato presentato un Libro bianco sul diritto d’autore ed i…
Opening speech of the first Digital Agenda Assembly_ Welcome to everybody – to everybody in…
As much as technology has advanced, there are still many barriers between you and the…