Karel De Gucht: Why we need ACTA
Speech at the Workshop on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Brussels, 1 March 2012 Professor Moreira,…
Speech at the Workshop on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Brussels, 1 March 2012 Professor Moreira,…
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation to assess whether The MathWorks Inc., a…
La Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea con sentenza del 1 marzo 2012 in causa C-604/10…
The fact that the compilation of the list required significant labour and skill on the…
“Receiving a petition supported by more than 2 million people places an even bigger responsibility…
The answers to Europe’s search for new economic growth may be closer to home than…
The mobile has changed our lives: how we communicate, create, and consume; how we transact,…
The proposed collection and storage of PNR data for international flights departing and landing in…
What ACTA is about ACTA is an international trade agreement that will help countries work together…
On the occasion of the visit in Italy of the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion…
On 27-28 February the stage is set at the Bella Center in Copenhagen for the…
MEP David Martin (S&D, UK), who is steering the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) through the…
”I am glad to say that this morning my fellow Commissioners have discussed and agreed…
La Rai, a seguito di un confronto avvenuto questa mattina con il Ministero dello Sviluppo…
Più tutele per chi è iscritto a social network dedicati alla salute, partecipa a blog…
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) will be discussed in public in the European Parliament Committee…
Citizens and business often waste energy because they do not realise which appliances and lighting…
Parliament will draw up a report on whether EU laws and values are respected in…
Judgment of Court of Justice of the European Union in Joined Cases C-72/10 Marcello Costa and C-77/10 Ugo Cifone .…
La Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea con un sentenza resa nella giornata odierna nella causa…
Radio spectrum supports 3.5 million jobs and more than €250 billion of economic activity each…
On St. Valentine’s Day, we want to be close to the ones we love. Researchers…
The European Commission has expressed serious doubts about a new proposal from the Dutch telecoms…
The negotiations of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) started in June 2008 and were finalised…
E-government, E-commerce e Smart communities. E ancora, Alfabetizzazione informatica, Ricerca e Investimenti, Infrastrutture e Sicurezza.…
The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued today a Follow-up Report outlining the status of…
The 5th Monroe Price International Moot Court Competition on Freedom of Expression and Media Law…
Thank you for the invitation to speak to you today. I continue to have grave…
ASK Research Center is pleased to invite you to the following seminar: Digitization and beyond:…
Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my pleasure to join you today, launching the “eSafety label” in…
Here to read more
On Safer Internet Day tomorrow, 7th February, more than 100 events in 30 European countries…