Council of Europe adopts recommendations to protect human rights on search engines and social platforms
Strasbourg, 05.04.2012 – The Council of Europe has adopted two Recommendations in which it calls…
Strasbourg, 05.04.2012 – The Council of Europe has adopted two Recommendations in which it calls…
In due raccomandazioni appena adottate sui motori di ricerca e i servizi di social network,…
Five of the top American ISPs have been working with the major media industry groups…
Il presidente dell’Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, Corrado Calabrò, ha annunciato a margine di…
Today, the European Commission has taken the next step in the important process of referring…
Internet e democrazia
Si è svolto a Milano, lo scorso venerdì 30 marzo, presso la Fondazione Ambrosianeum, il…
The European Commission has opened two formal antitrust investigations against Motorola Mobility Inc. The Commission…
Il 5 . 6 . 7 Aprile, negli spazi del Teatro Valle Occupato e dell’…
Levels of concern about the internet have fallen substantially in the UK over the past…
Apple Corps can prevent the registration of a figurative Community trade mark composed of the…
The General Court confirms the fine of more than €151 million imposed by the Commission…
Nell’ambito della IP and Competition Law seminar series il Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici “A. Sraffa”…
Data roaming and phone calls abroad should be much cheaper this summer thanks to a…
It is estimated that, worldwide, more than one million people become victims of cybercrime every…
Richard Hooper today published his diagnostic report on how fit for purpose is copyright licensing…
Cyber attacks on IT systems would become a criminal offence punishable by at least two…
Executive Summary A strong, free and vibrant press is essential to the good operation of…
«Sull’Agcom è stata fatta un’operazione di taglio dei suoi membri ma non una riorganizzazione sul…
The increasing use of computers in the work place has led to computer literacy being…
Here the full report
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation under the EU Merger Regulation into the…
On 27 March Oreste Pollicino and Marco Bassini will present the paper “Genocide denial: a…
The European Commission has asked the European Court of Justice to impose a fine on…
The European Commission has decided to refer Hungary to the EU’s Court of Justice because…
It’s a pleasure to address you all today. I know we all feel the importance…
The European Commission has ruled that a French scheme to support the digitisation of historic…
Testo dell’audizione del presidente AGCOM Corrado Calabrò innanzi alle commissioni VII e VIII del Senato…
Virtually all young people are familiar with electronic games and social networking and might be…
Laboratorio di diritto d’autore, Università degli Studi di Salerno. Ecco le date in programma: Lab…
The Council of Europe is promoting an Internet based on its core values and objectives,…