Neelie Kroes: Making Open Access a reality for Science
Ladies and gentlemen First, a big thank you to the STM Association and the PEER…
Ladies and gentlemen First, a big thank you to the STM Association and the PEER…
In data 11 maggio 2012, l’Adunanza Plenaria del Consiglio di Stato, con cinque sentenze, si…
Con due provvedimenti, dell’11 e del 23 maggio 2012, la giuria della Northern District of…
Il Consiglio dei Ministri riunitosi ieri ha esaminato ed approvato in via definitiva due decreti…
A year ago on 26 May 2011, the Information Commissioner published new guidance and announced…
The role of European newspapers in helping to shape democratic and tolerant societies is as…
New information and communications technology is changing our world. In an age that sorely needs…
Mystery shopping to check compliance with Ofcom’s Voluntary Code of Practice on Broadband Speeds has…
The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn (UK), University of Leuven, ICRI & IBBT (Belgium) and…
In November 2010, the Commission launched an antitrust investigation into allegations that Google had abused…
You all know I’m committed to broadband for all: with EU-wide fast broadband coverage for…
L’Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, di fronte al diffondersi in Rete e…
Seminario 28 maggio
Eighteen films supported by the European Commission’s MEDIA programme are in the Cannes Film Festival’s…
Un ‘Piano strategico per la lotta alla contraffazione’ con l’obiettivo di rafforzare ulteriormente la tutela…
Mystery shopping to check compliance with Ofcom’s Voluntary Code of Practice on Broadband Speeds has…
Open Rights Group and LSE Media Policy Project launched a new report, ‘Mobile Internet censorship:…
These days, no political discussion can ignore the economy. Amid austerity, we must focus on…
DATA PROTECTION tra evoluzioni tecnologiche e sviluppi di diritto europeo May 22, 2012 at 10:00…
Di solito c’è sempre bisogno di un folle che, nei momenti più disperati, tiri fuori…
Segnaliamo la recente pubblicazione con EGEA editore del “Codice della Comunicazione Digitale” curato da Oreste…
From 1 July 2012, the European Union’s mobile roaming regulation will be extended to include…
I am delighted that the Parliament and Council have now agreed on a new Roaming…
It’s a pleasure to welcome you here tonight. You, the creative sector, are among our…
Ladies and Gentlemen, First, I want to wish “Happy Birthday” to the Association of European…
Digitised versions of the very best of Europe’s sporting, literary, artistic and cultural heritage will…
The European Commission has authorised, under EU state aid rules, a Spanish scheme allowing up…
The European Commission has informed Slovak Telekom a.s. (ST) and its parent company, Deutsche Telekom…
EU competences in respect of Media Pluralism and Media Freedom RSCAS/CMPF Working paper series: ‘Freedom…
La Commissione europea ha presentato oggi una relazione sull’applicazione della direttiva servizi di media audiovisivi…
The European Commission today presented a report on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services…
Università Bocconi Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici “A. Sraffa” Cloud Computing e DirittoQuestioni attuali e sfide…