British data regulator reopens investigation into Google over disputed Street View program
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Here to read more.
Here to read more.
Here’s a paper I did in response to the conference to draft the Silicon Valley…
È uscito questa settimana per i tipi della Giuffrè, il volume curato da Paola Bilancia…
According to Advocate General Bot, the limitation of the compensation payable by a television channel…
he European Commission has decided to further investigate the proposal by the Czech telecoms regulator…
Il Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici “Angelo Sraffa” e ASK – Art, Science and Knowledge organizzano…
Grand Chamber judgment Centro Europa 7 S.r.l. and Di Stefano v. Italy 07.06.12
Today sees the launch of a new Transparency web portal, making the Commission’s decision-making processes…
A photo, a film or a poem that is covered by a copyright, but whose…
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is formally launched worldwide today, coexisting alongside Internet Protocol version…
La Fondazione Centro di iniziativa giuridica Piero Calamandrei è lieta di invitarvi al Seminario di…
Here to read more.
The European Commission has put on hold, pending further investigations, plans of the German telecoms…
The European Commission has proposed new rules to enable cross-border and secure electronic transactions in…
Numerama a pu se procurer le jugement (.pdf) du tribunal de grande instance de Paris…
Through R&D projects and working with experts from the Member States, the European Commission has…
The Australian Privacy Commissioner has said that he will not launch a second investigation into…
Since its birth as the U.S. Department of Defense ARPANET research project, the Internet has…
Qui il testo completo
Qua il testo completo
Tribunale Firenze su responsabilità ISP
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was rejected on Thursday by all three committees advising the…
The European Commission has decided to refer five Member States – Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland,…
More than two years after the national law transposing the EU Data Retention Directive was…
Youtube TF1 – Jugement 29 Mai 2012
Internet users’ “right to be forgotten”, the right of individuals to access their own data…
The Council today adopted1 a regulation on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the…
Today the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communication (“BEREC”), following its previous initiatives on…
Today BEREC has published the results of an investigation into traffic management and other practices…
When it comes to the issue of “net neutrality” I want to ensure that Internet…