Buying consumer credit on-line: following EU action, over 75% of websites checked now give satisfactory information to clients
Before consumers enter into a loan, they need to understand its real cost and take…
Before consumers enter into a loan, they need to understand its real cost and take…
ELSA Roma ha organizzato una conferenza sul tema del download e dello streaming illegale di…
This report details the main findings of a large-scale consumer tracking study into the extent…
More than three years after the deadline was set for issuing biometric passports with fingerprints,…
The European Commission has decided to refer Belgium to the Court of Justice of the…
The European Commission has found that a UK umbrella support scheme for investments in next…
Surfing the web is becoming a habit for our children, who need stronger protection, say…
European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes and the U.S. Secretary of…
The Steering Board of the new European Cloud Partnership (ECP) met for the first time…
Today the Commission adopted a recommendation that will allow it to negotiate the modernisation of…
The teaching of IT, entrepreneurial and citizenship skills is fundamental for preparing young people for…
Diritto d’Autore Online. Proteggere e valorizzare i contenuti sulla Rete
Il tema dell’edizione Winter 2012, che si svolgerà il 19 novembre 2012 presso il Politecnico…
Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted his opinion on the Commission Communication on…
This is the reposting of a comment first published on the IPilogue blog of the…
The Italy Summit: New routes for growth, Financial Times Conference, Milan In the doom and…
La salute in rete: “eHealth” e “ePatient”
Enter Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, allow me to thank CEPS, Karel LANNOO, Staffan…
È in corso un dibattito nel mondo accademico e in quello politico intorno alla possibilità…
The Charter of Fundamental Rights does not prevent the Commission from bringing an action, on…
The Court dismisses Odile Jacob’s claim that the judgment of the General Court declaring Lagardère’s…
Innovation is a key driver of economic growth and jobs. The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2012,…
Here to read more.
Information Security Forum Conference, Chicago – 4th November 2012 Every day, people worldwide rely on…
The European Commission has today decided to add another 120 MHz to the radio spectrum…
The European Commission will use the opportunity of the annual global conference of the Internet…
Il Garante privacy ha esaminato la segnalazione presentata dal Comitato per la candidatura di Matteo…
La Società Italiana Autori Editori si è data una sua Agenda digitale ed ha rilasciato…
In the two and a half years since Ofcom’s pay TV decision, consumers have benefited…
You are all kindly invited to a workshop which will be held on 23 November…
The Open Society Justice Initiative has drafted a paper as a kind of counterweight to…
Marco Bassini and Oreste Pollicino will hold a lecture on “Media convergence: is a different…