Neelie Kroes: Making Europe the home of eBooks
It is a great pleasure for me to be here, among so many book-lovers. Europe…
It is a great pleasure for me to be here, among so many book-lovers. Europe…
The purpose of this consultation is to collect views on the issue of independence of…
The European Commission launches today two public consultations, open until 14th June 2013. The consultations…
Il Consiglio dell’Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni presieduto da Angelo M. Cardani ha approvato…
Most people think of Silicon Valley in the United States when they think about technology…
I. ANONYMISATION AND PSEUDONYMISATION 1. Concepts 1. Many amendments have been proposed to define anonymisation…
Here to read more.
The European Commission today welcomed the adoption of an opinion by the European Parliament’s Legal…
The European Commission is working with 27 of the world’s leading tech companies and associations…
In its decision in the case of Neij and Sunde Kolmisoppi v. Sweden (application no.…
Here to read more.
Today, the European Commission outlined a series of actions to tackle aggressive commercial practices across…
The European Commission today announced a package of measures to ensure that air passengers have…
As part of its efforts to ensure that consumers are protected in the growing mobile…
Here to read more.
We show that easily accessible digital records of behavior, Facebook Likes, can be used to…
Il Garante per la privacy ha fatto oscurare dai siti web di dieci Comuni italiani,…
Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, Tonio Borg, welcomed the vote of the European Parliament…
At its first Plenary of 2013, BEREC agreed the headline messages of its opinion on…
The Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania…
The CEU Summer University announces the course: Internet Governance, Civil Society and Public Policy Advocacy…
2nd Annual Cloud Computing Conference/Brussels 7 March 2013 Main Messages of the Speech 1/ On…
La Corte di Giustizia con una sentenza depositata oggi nella causa C- 607/11 (ITV Broadcasting…
La Corte Ue è stata consultata dai magistrati britannici in rapporto al caso della società…
Television broadcasters may prohibit the retransmission of their programmes by another company via the internet…
The European Commission has imposed a €561 million fine on Microsoft for failing to comply…
The formalities enabling Bulgaria to become the 25th signatory state to the Unified Patent Court…
Commission President José Manuel Barroso today called on Europe’s digital businesses, governments, training and education…
Dialogue with Mayors of EU Capital Cities on Smart and Sustainable Growth in Cities /Brussels…
Roundtable event on the Future of Internet Governance, European Parliament /Brussels 28 February 2013 Thanks…
Nella giornata di ieri sono state pubblicate le motivazioni della sentenza di appello con la…
At the inaugural meeting of the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies, a Memorandum…