Neelie Kroes:The Economic and social benefits of big data
Webcast Conference on Big Data /Brussels 23 May 2013 To add your comment to this…
Webcast Conference on Big Data /Brussels 23 May 2013 To add your comment to this…
The Internet is the infrastructure of the modern age. It accounted for more than 20%…
Media freedom and pluralism should be monitored in all member states, and the findings published…
Oreste Pollicino and Marco Bassini will hold a lecture on “The freedom of information and…
Locandina Cristiano
Locandina Convegno 6 Giugno PDF
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11th European Business Summit /Brussels 16 May 2013 To add your comment to this speech,…
European Cyber Security Conference, “Securing the Internet Economy”/Brussels – 16 May 2013 Good morning Ladies…
Invito Al Workshop Sicurezza Su Internet – Roma, 22 Maggio
Convegno Luiss 22 Maggio 2013
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E’ recentemente stata pubblicata – per la Collana Diritto delle Nuove Tecnologie edita da Giuffré…
Martedi’ 14, dalle ore 10,45 alle 13, nell’ambito del corso progredito di Diritto dell’informazione e della comunicazione…
Programma Workshop AGCOM
locandina qurami by medialaws
Non sussistono le condizioni per contestare a SKY un abuso di posizione dominante relativamente all’acquisizione…
L’ Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, nell’ambito dell’indagine conoscitiva sui servizi internet e sulla…
Three years after it became legally binding, the impact of the European Union’s Charter of…
The EU should take the lead in ensuring the protection of journalists, said foreign affairs…
Il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali ha disposto il divieto di divulgare e…
Event also focusing on how European Future Internet research and innovation will support EU’s competitiveness and enable a new wave…
Ofcom has today announced plans for a pilot of innovative ‘white space’ technology in the…
The European Commission has informed Motorola Mobility of its preliminary view that the company’s seeking…
The European Commission has expressed serious doubts over draft measure notified by the Austrian telecoms…
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The growing globalisation of data flows, via social networks, cloud computing, search engines, location-based services,…
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to thank the organisers and in particular director Frank Cilluffo…
The European Commission has launched the third and final public consultation in its review of…