Agenda digitale, nuove tecnologie e tutela dei consumatori
Locandina_dnt Roma Agcom 71013
Locandina_dnt Roma Agcom 71013
Ladies and Gentlemen, The headlines over the past months have been dominated by stories about…
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The European Commission today adopted its most ambitious plan in 26 years of telecoms market…
Ofcom has published a new guide to help consumers understand the ways in which fixed-line…
Background,“Network Neutrality” is an appealing and multifaceted expression which encompasses several areas and may give…
This report is certainly a wake-up call. It shows a European app economy worth hundreds…
You are here at Campus Party because you have what it takes. The talent to…
I love it when people call for action and actually try to stand up and…
Digital technology is the future. The future for our society. And the future for an…
The Commission is asking for help in drawing up guidance and practical advice for boosting…
Dear Authors and Followers, We hope you are all enjoying a pleasant summer! Medialaws will…
Last Thursday the Italian Communication Authority (“AGCOM”) has issued a new draft regulation entitled “Draft…
Come prevedibile il nuovo schema di regolamento “in materia di tutela del diritto d’autore sulle…
Here is the presentation of the new book authored by Professor Oreste Pollicino, Founder of…
Il presente volume raccoglie le relazioni presentate al convegno “Internet: regole e tutela dei diritti fondamentali”, tenutosi…
1. Considerazioni sparse Dopo tanta attesa, conferenze, audizioni, opinioni di esperti e tweet l’AGCOM ha…
Il Consiglio dell’Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, presieduto da Angelo M. Cardani, ha approvato…
Member States have provided further evidence of why radio spectrum needs to be assigned with…
Yesterday the Council adopted EU rules to support the fight against cybercrime, in particular large-scale…
The directive concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities 1 authorises the Member States to…
Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd obtained a national patent in Greece in 1986 for levofloxacin h…
The Audiovisual Media Services Dir ective 1 makes television advertising subject to minimum rules and…
Il Garante non ha ritenuto lecita una nuova modalità di profilazione dei propri clienti proposta…
Dear Ursula, Dear Steffi, Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to be here today, and…
In addition , under certain conditions, there may be a rebuttable pr esumption that recording…
The European Commission can confirm that on 9 July 2013 Commission officials initiated unannounced inspections…
Around 1000 start-ups and other highly innovative companies will receive grants from a new €100m…
National data protection legislation is applicable to them whe n they set up an office…
The European Commission is putting into place new rules on what exactly telecoms operators…
Televisione e mercati rilevanti
The European Commission has launched today a call for applications for experts to work…