ECJ ruling in Svensson case (C- 466/12)
The owner of a website may, without the authorisation of t he copyright holders ,…
The owner of a website may, without the authorisation of t he copyright holders ,…
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The European Commission has obtained an improved commitments proposal from Google in the context of…
1. What is copyright and what are the related rights? These are rights granted to…
More than 500 licensed digital music services operate worldwide, but only one of them is…
There is sometimes a notion – as the title of today’s panel indicates – that…
Two years after the European Commission proposed a major reform of the EU’s data protection…
Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner said ahead of data protection day (which is…
Lo scorso 14 gennaio la Corte di Appello del District of Columbia Circuit ha depositato…
L’Autorité de la concurrence a décidé de consulter les régulateurs sectoriels ainsi que les acteurs…
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The German government has been urged to take the lead in pushing forward the reform…
We have had the opportunity to debate the implication of the NSA revelations this summer…
The European Commission has opened formal antitrust proceedings to examine certain provisions in licensing agreements…
8 Gennaio 2014 C’é tempo fino al 31 gennaio 2014 per presentare domanda di contributo…
Dear Authors and Followers, We hope you are all enjoying pleasant holidays. Medialaws will take…
E’ stato pubblicato all’indirizzo il bando per il Corso di perfezionamento dell’Università degli Studi di Milano in…
Il provvedimento, adottato alla luce di una segnalazione presentata dall’azienda radio-televisiva, è statonotificato oggi alle…
The European Data Protection Supervisor’s (EDPS) 2014 work programme in the area of legislative consultation…
Cultural and creative organisations wishing to bid for funding in 2014 through Creative Europe, the…
Skype provides internet – based commun ications services and software enabling instant messaging and voice…
IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress/Brussels You have been talking intensively about data; and how to…
As MEPs begin discussions on possible amendments to the draft regulation proposed by the Commission…
IP Summit 2013 (Paris) 9 December 2013 No inherent conflict between IP protection and competition…
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The European Commission can confirm that on 3 December 2013, Commission officials initiated unannounced inspections…
In today’s Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE) the morning session was devoted to telecommunications…
The Single Market remains Europe’s crown jewel, and completing it a main objective of the…
The Council adopted today the regulation establishing the “Creative Europe ” Programme for the period…
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of most…
The European Commission has today launched a public consultation as part of its on-going efforts…