Europe forces the european Collecting Societies to adopt Creative Commons licenses
On the 4th of February 2014 the European Parliament finally gave the definite approval for…
On the 4th of February 2014 the European Parliament finally gave the definite approval for…
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AGCOM Press Release
COMUNICATO STAMPA n. 54/14 Lussemburgo, 8 aprile 2014 Sentenza nella cause riunite C-293/12 e C-594/12…
31 marzo è entrato in vigore il regolamento AGCOM sulla protezione del diritto d’autore online.…
Evento 09-1.04.2014
Here to read more.
The digital single market is an opportunity for Europe. Removing borders and barriers. Boosting our…
Here to read more.
Here to read more.
An internet service provider may be ordered to block its customers’ access to a copyright…
Europe’s 400 million Internet users face a geographic lottery regarding the price, speed, and range…
Locandina 31 marzo
Trusted Cloud Europe was prepared by the European Cloud Partnership (ECP) to propose options for…
(Reuters) – Google Inc has settled a landmark copyright lawsuit in which Viacom Inc accused the Internet search company…
Vice President Neelie Kroes today warmly welcomed the announcement of the United States Government to…
Here to read more http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2014-03/cp140034en.pdf
Monday June 30th-Friday July 11th at the University of Oxrford Application Deadline: March 30, 2014…
Arianna Vedaschi (Bocconi University) and Valerio Lubello (University of Teramo and Medialaws) will hold a…
On February 13th, the Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU) released its judgment on case C-466/12,…
Today we are already seeing the difference it makes. From cars to classrooms; from payments…
24% of European internet users say they are prevented by their providers from watching videos,…
It’s a pleasure to address you today. We both see the same challenge from different…
Here to read more: http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2014-02/cp140023en.pdf
Here to read more: http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2014-02/cp140029en.pdf
Il nuovo regolamento europeo tra attese e preoccupazioni
Webinar 20 febbraio
The €63 billion app boom. Nearly 5 million jobs in European app sector by 2018,…
Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea, Sentenza nella causa C-69/13 Mediaset SpA / Ministero dello Sviluppo…