Europe’s cultural treasures online: opportunities ahead
The European Commission today publishes two reports to coincide with an international conference that is…
The European Commission today publishes two reports to coincide with an international conference that is…
Here to read the decision (ITA).
Il Tar Lazio con un’ordinanza depositata questa mattina, nell’ambito dei ricorsi promossi avverso il regolamento…
Hosted by Business International – Fiera Milano Media SpA Thu, Sep 25 – 6:00 PM…
L’iniziativa fa parte del progetto EINS Network of Excellence in Internet Science The EU…
Il Garante privacy torna sul rapporto tra tutela della privacy, diritto/dovere di cronaca ed esercizio…
Here to read the article.
17-18 Oct. Bocconi
Here to read the decision.
Here to read more.
The council will be meeting in Rome on Wednesday, September 10, at Auditorium Parco della Musica.…
Here to read more.
La giustizia penale nella 'rete'
Joint statement from the EU delegation to the Internet Governance Forum 2-5 September 2014 in…
Here to read more.
Here to read the decision.
The Italian Data Protection Authority on Google’s privacy policies After an investigation started one…
Il 28 maggio scorso la Commissione europea ha pubblicato l’annuale scoreboard sui progressi fatti, a…
Here to read the report.
Here to read more.
Here to read more.
Locandina Equo Compenso
The European Commission has today adopted a Recommendation on online gambling services. It encourages Member…
Here to read more.
Here to read more.
Locandina Messina
Vice-President of the European Commission @NeelieKroesEU says it’s important to understand 5G mobile will be…
Riley v. California è una decisione attesa e comunque sorprendente. Con la sentenza in questione,…
The European Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition of Grupo Corporativo ONO (“ONO”) by Vodafone…
Following an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the…
Di seguito i i materiali delle relatrici Paola Bonini e Antonella Napolitano e i video…
The European Commission has today adopted two communications – an Action Plan to address infringements…