Commission opens in-depth investigation into the proposed merger of TeliaSonera and Telenor’s Danish telecommunications activities
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Morano Foadi Vickers
EUI Right to Be Forgotten
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The process of European integration has torn down borders. This is one thing everyone knows…
Digital technology is part of everyday life. From studying to watching films, buying or selling…
Documento Di Sintesi – Medialaws
Roundtable with the Garante
Di seguito il comunicato della Camera dei deputati: Giovedì 26 marzo, presso la Sala del…
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The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation into whether Hungary’s advertisement tax introduced in…
Parliament calls for further efforts to investigate online child sexual abuse, prosecute offenders, protect child…
L’ Istituto Italiano per la Privacy e la Valorizzazione dei Dati (“IIP”) e Stradeonline Webmagazine Presentano lo…
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Call for Papers
The Tilburg Law Review (TLR) brings to your attention the Masterclass devoted to ‘Privacy and…
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Nearly one in three UK broadband connections are now superfast, up from around one in…
There are plenty of digital opportunities waiting to be unlocked to benefit European citizens and…
A cavallo tra l’accademia e la divulgazione, gli incontri di DANDI ambiscono a essere…
Qui il link al live streaming
Seminario 23 febbraio
Presentazione Master
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Ofcom has today to harness the benefits of an innovative new wireless technology, following a…
[1]Everybody knows that Brazil made a mess in the World Cup of 2014. But what…