Mediaset: Tribunale Milano condanna Yahoo per violazione diritto d’autore: il testo della sentenza
(Adnkronos) – Il Tribunale di Milano ha accolto le richieste del Gruppo Mediaset e ha…
(Adnkronos) – Il Tribunale di Milano ha accolto le richieste del Gruppo Mediaset e ha…
Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt laid out a bold vision of a new Communications Act to…
Giovedì 27 ottobre 2011 ore 16.30 In occasione della presentazione della quinta edizione del “Manuale di…
Ofcom today confirmed that rollover contracts, which tie landline and broadband customers into repeated minimum…
Dal 19 al 23 settembre prossimi Milano ospiterà l’e-festival , il festival della rete, iniziativa…
Il prossimo 27 settembre 2011, ore 10:00, l’Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica del…
Algeri (Algeria), 13 set. L’Algeria ha approvato una nuova legge che mette fine al monopolio…
How Member States are implementing EU Recommendations ensuring children can enjoy the digital world confidently…
CANBERRA, Australia. The government promised an inquiry on Tuesday into Australian media as lawmakers complain…
Authors and authors’ groups in the United States, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom sued…
The Council today adopted by qualified majority a directive extending the term of protection of…
Domain typo-squatting is commonly used to spread malware to users whom accidentally misspell a legitimate…
La facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli studi di Pavia organizza, nell’ambito del XX incontro di…
’Making audiovisual resources accessible undoubtedly poses a huge challenge, but also an opportunity for a…
Introduction: Trade policy pursues a clear economic goal: more growth & jobs Since my first…
Ofcom has today outlined how it plans to safeguard the future supply of landline numbers…
Viewers may be able to watch more High Definition (HD) TV through a standard roof-top…
Ofcom has progressed plans for the introduction of White Space technology in the UK –…
The European Commission has written to eight EU Member States (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary,…
Here to read more
L ‘Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano ha deliberato di attribuire 24 crediti formativi professionali per…
La sesta sezione del Consiglio, in seduta collegiale, con ordinanza n.3642/2011 del 30 agosto scorso …
Two founders of The Pirate Bay have launched a fresh venture – a file-sharing site…
Brussels, 30 August 2011 – An EU-funded project is aiming to make self-service terminals, such…
Here to read more
Representatives from the social media industry today visited the Home Office to discuss cooperation with…
Facebook’s Like button today was found in violation of Germany’s strict privacy laws. Commissioner Thilo…
Ofcom today fined TalkTalk and Tiscali UK £3 million after they incorrectly billed tens of…
Google Inc. has taken reasonable steps to improve its privacy policies, the Information Commissioner’s Office…
In preparation for a new triple-x Internet domain that will launch in December, lawyers for…
New Ofcom research reveals the extent to which the UK has become addicted to smartphones,…