Google faces more government demands for user info
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ Google is dealing with more government demands to turn over information…
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ Google is dealing with more government demands to turn over information…
In its judgment delivered today, the Court holds that the placing online of content on…
Il regolamento sulla competenza giurisdizionale prevede che le persone domiciliate nel territorio di uno Stato…
The European Court of Human Rights held a Grand Chamber hearing on Wednesday 12 October 2011 in…
Ofcom has invited comments on measuring media plurality, following a request to consider this area…
L’Antitrust sta ricevendo quotidianamente centinaia di denunce inviate da consumatori che ricevono solleciti di pagamento…
Nell’ambito della collaborazione tra la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna…
Italian blogger Massimiliano Nespola has won the EP’s 2011 internet Journalism Prize for his article:…
In allegato la locandina e il programma del convegno “La tutela dei dati personali in…
The European Commission has proposed to spend almost €9.2 billion from 2014 to 2020 on…
Can Canada Learn Anything From Europe? European Perspectives on Copyright Law in the Information Era…
A new survey shows that nearly half of internet users in Britain are ‘Next Generation…
L’Antitrust, in ottemperanza alla sentenza del Tar del Lazio, poi confermata dal Consiglio di Stato,…
Frankfurt, 13 October 2011 Ladies & gentlemen I offer my heartfelt thanks to the Federation…
In materia di accordi istitutivi di un sistema di distribuzione selettiva, la Corte ha già…
This conference forms part of the Mediadem Project MEDIADEM (European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing &Reclaiming…
Informatica e diritto – Fascicolo No. 1-2-2011 – Open data e riuso dei dati pubblici,…
A high-level group to provide recommendations for the respect, protection, support and promotion of media…
Social media companies have “friended” the 2012 presidential contest at a level almost unimaginable just…
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of the…
The European Commission today adopted a decision which would allow it to coordinate the efforts…
Last week the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted an opinion on the European Commission…
Here to read more
Il Presidente del Rotary Club Firenze Est Giancarlo Taddei Elmi, il Direttore dell’Istituto di Teoria…
Here to read more
L’AAMS, Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato, ha ratificato l’attribuzione di nuove licenze, introdotte con…
On September 29, the Italian Court of Padua ordered 493 websites to shut down as…
L’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato, nella riunione del 5 ottobre 2011, ha deciso…
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have reacted to the passing of Steve…
Have you been tempted by a cheaper online offer from another EU country but wondering…
The European Commission has launched two public consultations related to access for alternative operators to…
Football fans will potentially be able to watch cut-price Premier League matches, after the European…