Crucial Samsung brief released after months of delay * Judge issues new guidelines after Reuters…
Crucial Samsung brief released after months of delay * Judge issues new guidelines after Reuters…
Ladies and Gentlemen, meine Damen und Herren, Thank you for inviting me to speak today…
L’Università degli Studi di Salerno – Facoltà di Giurisprudenza – Dipartimento dei Diritti della Persona…
(Washington, 29 nov.Adnkronos/Washington Post) – Facebook ha raggiunto un accordo con la Federal Trade Commissionin…
The European Commission is planning to stop the way the website “eavesdrops” on its users…
Viviane Reding Vice-President of the European Commission, EU Justice Commissioner Binding Corporate Rules: unleashing the…
In 2010, one in five European consumers encountered problems when buying goods and services in…
Nella giornata di oggi l’avvocato generale Yves Bot ha presentato le sue conclusioni nella causa…
In Advocate General Bot’s view, the functionalities of a computer program and the programming language…
Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening to you all; and thank you for inviting me to…
Here to read more
Here to read more
Ofcom today set out the steps it expects Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to take to…
La Commissione europea ha inviato una comunicazione scritta a 16 Stati membri che, sei mesi…
The European Commission has written to sixteen Member States which have failed to fully implement…
“I Venerdì di AGCOM” AVVISO DI SEMINARIO Venerdì 25 novembre 2011, ore 10:30-13:30…
Il diritto dell’Unione vieta un’ingiunzione di un giudice nazionale diretta ad imporre ad un fornitore…
In its judgment delivered today, the Court points out, first of all, that holders of…
Here to read more.
Il gioco d’azzardo, lo sappiamo tutti, è un affare pericoloso. E l’arrivo di internet non…
The European Commission today announced there is currently no need to change the basic concept,…
La Rivista Il diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica, unitamente con la famiglia Frosini, promuove il quarto…
On November 16, 2011, the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) published its Annual Activity…
Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am delighted to have been invited back here today,…
Using new powers under Article 7a of the Telecoms Directive ( MEMO11/321 ) the European…
The creative sector is a unique source for growth, both economic and social. And it’s…
Nella giornata di ieri l’Avvocato Generale della Corte di Giustizia Niilo Jaaskinen ha reso le…
Yesterday the ECJ’ the Advocate General Niilo Jääskinen has filed his opinion in the case…
Intervista video al Direttore Rapporti Istituzionali, Relazioni Esterne e Media della grande realtà crossmediale. Qui…
A Avignon, Nicolas Sarkozy s’en est pris aux “sites de streaming illégal qui font des…
The European Parliament adopted yesterday (17 November) a clear-cut position on net neutrality, giving the…
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution which criticizes domain name seizures of “infringing” websites…