Digital Agenda: Commission asks Court of Justice to fine Portugal over exclusion of companies from providing universal service
The European Commission has asked the European Court of Justice to impose a fine on…
The European Commission has asked the European Court of Justice to impose a fine on…
The European Commission has decided to refer Hungary to the EU’s Court of Justice because…
It’s a pleasure to address you all today. I know we all feel the importance…
The European Commission has ruled that a French scheme to support the digitisation of historic…
Testo dell’audizione del presidente AGCOM Corrado Calabrò innanzi alle commissioni VII e VIII del Senato…
Virtually all young people are familiar with electronic games and social networking and might be…
Laboratorio di diritto d’autore, Università degli Studi di Salerno. Ecco le date in programma: Lab…
The Council of Europe is promoting an Internet based on its core values and objectives,…
Here to read more
Con due sentenze depositate in data odierna la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea è tornata…
CONVEGNO 1° FORUM MEDIALAWS Tutela del Copyright e della privacy sul web: quid iuris? Milano,…
Some 35 film-related projects are to receive a total of €5 million in funding from…
16 marzo 2012, ore 15-17 Il danno reputazionale nel web 2.0 Aula “F. Croce” -…
Milano, 15 marzo 2012, ore 14.30 I nuovi alfabeti della biblioteca Nuove frontiere della biblioteca:…
(ANSA) – ROMA, 12 MAR – Il presidente del Garante per la protezione dei dati…
Today Europe faces the human consequences of crisis. Our citizens, especially our young people, are…
It’s my dream to get every European digital. But what a challenge! Today, one in…
Democracy, freedom and the rule of law in Hungary were the focus of a Civil…
Here to read more.
Google News – Infringement or fair use? Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi – 19 March 2012 6:00pm…
Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted his Opinion on the proposed package for…
On 1 January, a new Constitution and a number of cardinal laws entered into force…
Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a pleasure to be here with you today. The role…
The European Commission has suspended plans of the Spanish telecoms regulator (CMT) to postpone by…
Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Prime Minister, It is a great honour for me to be…
REPUBBLICA ITALIANA IN NOME DEL POPOLO ITALIANO Il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per il Lazio (Sezione…
A photo, a film or a poem still covered by copyright, but whose right holder…
Speech at the Workshop on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Brussels, 1 March 2012 Professor Moreira,…
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation to assess whether The MathWorks Inc., a…
La Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea con sentenza del 1 marzo 2012 in causa C-604/10…
The fact that the compilation of the list required significant labour and skill on the…
“Receiving a petition supported by more than 2 million people places an even bigger responsibility…