State aid: Commission approves Spanish €10.95 million support for publishing culturally valuable books
The European Commission has authorised, under EU state aid rules, a Spanish scheme allowing up…
The European Commission has authorised, under EU state aid rules, a Spanish scheme allowing up…
The European Commission has informed Slovak Telekom a.s. (ST) and its parent company, Deutsche Telekom…
EU competences in respect of Media Pluralism and Media Freedom RSCAS/CMPF Working paper series: ‘Freedom…
La Commissione europea ha presentato oggi una relazione sull’applicazione della direttiva servizi di media audiovisivi…
The European Commission today presented a report on the application of the Audiovisual Media Services…
Università Bocconi Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici “A. Sraffa” Cloud Computing e DirittoQuestioni attuali e sfide…
Ladies and Gentlemen, Today I’m going to talk to you about freedom online. Why it…
Il Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca nel contesto dell’Agenda Digitale Italiana lancia l’IDEARIO dell’Agenda Digitale…
According to Advocate General Trstenjak an undertaking can register its trade marks as .eu domain…
Today in Europe, we face enormous challenges. In a time of climate change, the challenge…
1° Forum Medialaws – Convegno APA-Associazione Professionisti d’Affari, “Tutela del copyright e della privacy sul web:…
The functionality of a computer program and the programming language cannot be protected by copyright…
The Commission has set out a plan to give children the digital skills and tools…
At its April plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted a decisive own-initiative…
E’ stata presentata questa mattina dal presidente AGCOM Corrado Calabrò la relazione di fine mandato…
The Regional Court of Hamburg announced today its decision in the case GEMA vs. YouTube.…
High-speed Internet underpins all sectors of the economy and will be the backbone of the…
Il 24 aprile scorso l’avvocato generale della Corte di Giustizia Bot ha depositato le proprie…
Oracle develops and markets computer software, in particular, by download from the internet, by concluding…
Following detailed exchanges with the Hungarian authorities regarding new laws adopted under Hungary’s new Constitution…
Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted his Opinion on the proposal for a…
Here to read more
Copyright and related rights – Processing of data by internet – Infringement of an exclusive…
Locandina incontro 27 aprile
1° Forum Medialaws – Convegno APA-Associazione Professionisti d’Affari, “Tutela del copyright e della privacy sul web:…
ISHTIP Summer Course Intellectual Property and the Public Domain 18-22 June 2012 – Brunel University,…
1° Forum Medialaws – Convegno APA-Associazione Professionisti d’Affari, “Tutela del copyright e della privacy sul web:…
E’ stato presentato oggi nella sede di Roma della FIEG, lo studio “La Stampa in Italia 2009-2011”,…
Con questa presentazione di Marco Bassini si apre la serie di post dedicati 1° Forum…
Here the full text of the decision
Angelo Sraffa Department of Legal Studies ASK – Art, Science and Knowledge IP and Virtue 23 April…
Nella riunione di ieri, 16 aprile 2012, il Consiglio dei Ministri, su proposta del Ministro…