EU Cybersecurity plan to protect open internet and online freedom and opportunity
The European Commission, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and…
The European Commission, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and…
Information systems can be affected by security incidents, such as human mistakes, natural events, technical…
Launching the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy press conference /Brussels We are all here because we recognise…
Il Consiglio dell’Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, presieduto da Angelo M. Cardani, ha svolto…
An EU-funded research project has created a system for higher broadband speeds that can connect…
Skype migliorerà le procedure per consentire agli utenti di chiudere il proprio account e integrerà…
Aula Magna Villa Cerami Università di Catania Via Gallo, 24 – Catania qua il programma…
On 5th February, Safer Internet Day 2013, the Commission has presented the results of joint…
Launch of the initiative “Licences for Europe” Brussels, 4 February 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, I…
‘Licences for Europe’ stakeholder dialogue Brussels ,4 February 2013 I am very pleased to participate…
Stakeholders dialogue on copyright “Licences for Europe” 4 February 2013 New technologies have huge implications…
Here to read more.
A report on Ireland`s digital future was launched at a Presidency supported event in Brussels…
I Garanti per la privacy dei Paesi UE riuniti nel Gruppo “Articolo 29” hanno approvato…
The mediation process on private copying and reprography levies has concluded with the presentation today…
We are now approaching the mid-point of the digital agenda. It’s a chance to take…
Global Cyber Security Conference /Brussels 30 January 2013 I welcome today’s debate on cybersecurity. This…
MIDEM 2013 – Conference “Music for everyone” Cannes, 27 January 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank…
One year ago, ahead of the European Data Protection Day 2012, the European Commission proposed…
One year ago, the European Commission presented a comprehensive reform of the EU’s 1995 data…
ne parlano: Milena Gabanelli, Aldo Grasso, Gian Antonio Stella e Roberto Zaccaria in occasione della…
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Europe faces up to 700.000 unfilled ICT jobs and declining competitiveness. The number of digital…
Panel on Building Cyber Resilience, World Economic Forum Davos, 24 January 2013 Last year, the…
The European Commission has asked the European Court of Justice to impose a fine on…
The European Commission has decided to refer Bulgaria to the EU’s Court of Justice over…
Entro due giorni i titolari dei siti dovranno ‘autooscurarsi’. In caso di inadempimento interverranno le…
A free and pluralistic media to sustain European democracy. Here to read more.
Nel 2012 internet, e-commerce, pubblicità, privacy hanno continuato ad accelerare la loro evoluzione con nuovi…
The limitation of costs for broadcasting short news events of high interest to the public,…
Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published his 2013 work programme in the area…
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