The EU must take the lead in protecting journalists worldwide, say MEPs
The EU should take the lead in ensuring the protection of journalists, said foreign affairs…
The EU should take the lead in ensuring the protection of journalists, said foreign affairs…
Il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali ha disposto il divieto di divulgare e…
Event also focusing on how European Future Internet research and innovation will support EU’s competitiveness and enable a new wave…
Ofcom has today announced plans for a pilot of innovative ‘white space’ technology in the…
The European Commission has informed Motorola Mobility of its preliminary view that the company’s seeking…
The European Commission has expressed serious doubts over draft measure notified by the Austrian telecoms…
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The growing globalisation of data flows, via social networks, cloud computing, search engines, location-based services,…
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to thank the organisers and in particular director Frank Cilluffo…
The European Commission has launched the third and final public consultation in its review of…
Scatta l’obbligo per società telefoniche e Internet provider di avvisare il Garante privacy e gli…
Millions of Europeans catch up with their favourite TV series on a smartphone on the…
Why a Green Paper? Does the Commission plan to review the Audiovisual Media Services Directive?…
We are all familiar with trends in the media sector today. Particularly the impact of…
The European Commission has informed a number of suppliers of smart card chips of its…
The Council today adopted a directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and a regulation on…
The European Commission is inviting comments from interested parties on commitments offered by Penguin (Pearson…
La Prof.ssa Giovanna De Minico interverrà al convegno “Il principio di eguaglianza nelle famiglie” con…
15maggio2013 Crimineinformatico – Vittime Processo penale
dal sito L’associazione dei Club non ha la necessaria posizione di terzietà. Segnalazione inviata…
Marco Bassini (University of Verona), an editor of MediaLaws, will hold a lecture on “Responsibility…
President, Minister, Honourable Members, I want to thank the President for holding this debate today…
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation into the proposed UK video games tax…
Con decisione depositata oggi, 16 aprile, nelle cause riunite C- 274/11 e C- 295/11 (Spagna…
Here to read more.
The European Commission welcomes the vote of the European Parliament in a plenary session today…
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of UK…
MediaLaws supports the European Initiative for Media Pluralism, that promotes the idea that European institutions…
In a letter sent to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán today, President Barroso, while noting Prime…