Datagate: Lettera di Antonello Soro al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Enrico Letta
Datagate: Lettera di Antonello Soro al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Enrico Letta Nella giornata…
Datagate: Lettera di Antonello Soro al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Enrico Letta Nella giornata…
The Internet of Things will change the life of a citizen living in a town…
Today we all worry about the economy. Every citizen and every politician. We face a…
Invito Ask 28 Ottobre 2013
Per chi lo avesse perso ecco lo streaming del primo Webinar di Medialaws sul regolamento…
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. And thank you to Richard Mollet and to Susie Winter…
Every EU household can now have a basic broadband connection, thanks to pan-EU availability of…
The European Commission invites comments from interested parties on commitments offered by Samsung Electronics (Samsung)…
Non era un giurista, e forse diffidava dei giuristi. Ma Marco Zamperini ha insegnato tanto…
EU budget cuts may mean that Europe falls behind on technological advances already achieved in…
Europe should aim to be the world’s leading ‘trusted cloud region’. Widespread adoption of cloud…
Companies, citizens and public authorities wanting to strike cross-border deals should have access to easy…
The European Commission has requested the Estonian telecoms regulator (ECA) to withdraw its proposal for…
Thanks to the joint action of the EU Member States and the European Commission, 116…
Anonimato, diritti della persona e responsabilità in rete
here to read more
Judgment Delfi as v. Estonia Making an Online News Site Liable for Its Readers Comments…
Monday 14 October will mark the opening of the fourth and final round of live,…
Locandina Webinar 18 Ottobre
The European Commission has published advice received from external experts concerning which parts of telecoms…
12 Ottobre, ore 11.00-12.40 Pisa – Aula Magna Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Piazza Santa Caterina 33…
Seminar on digital economy Paris, 9 October 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great…
US surveillance of the internet: major threat to people’s privacy or a storm in a…
European Union justice ministers have on October 7 in Luxembourg discussed how to ensure efficient…
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank the organisers, Mr Tremosa and Mr Schwab…
The possibility of suspending EU-US trade talks, the idea of creating international standards of privacy…
The European Commission today welcomed the publication of a study on Intellectual Property Rights, which…
Tavola Rotonda promossa e organizzata dal Prof. Avv. Emilio Tosi del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche…
European Internet Foundation Breakfast Debate – Brussels 24 September 2013 I am delighted to be…
Now my proposals for the Telecoms Single Market are on the table. And the world…
MEPs will debate the NSA’s tapping of the SWIFT network of international bank-transfer-data and the…