AGCM – Relazione annuale. Presentazione del Presidente Pitruzzella
Presentazione Attività 2014
Presentazione Attività 2014
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Locandina Equo Compenso
The European Commission has today adopted a Recommendation on online gambling services. It encourages Member…
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Locandina Messina
Vice-President of the European Commission @NeelieKroesEU says it’s important to understand 5G mobile will be…
The European Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition of Grupo Corporativo ONO (“ONO”) by Vodafone…
Following an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the…
Di seguito i i materiali delle relatrici Paola Bonini e Antonella Napolitano e i video…
The European Commission has today adopted two communications – an Action Plan to address infringements…
Extraterritorial Application of Privacy in the Internet
The Commission today adopted a proposal for a new programme that will help Member States…
Guidelines to help business users save money and get the most out of cloud computing…
Dove: Sala delle Conferenze di Piazza Monte Citorio 123/a — Roma Quando: giovedì 26 giugno, alle ore…
This week a major “terrorist” trial will take place…
Diritto Digitale Toscana
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LOCANDINA Seminario Conclus. 9 Giugno 2014
Here to read the decision.
Invito-Sraffa-Salento 20June
Tech and Law Center is pleased to invite you to “A global perspective for data protection…
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Il diritto e la rete
Ragion Pratica
PROGRAMMA_Presentazione Liberta? in Internet_24 Giugno_ore 15.00
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