ECJ returns on Standard essential Patents, injunction and FRAND terms
According to Advocate General Wat helet, the proprietor of a standard – essential patent may…
According to Advocate General Wat helet, the proprietor of a standard – essential patent may…
Ofcom has today to make valuable airwaves available for mobile broadband services, while securing the…
A draft law that would oblige airlines to hand EU countries the data of passengers…
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4-th international conference «Law in the Digital Environment» Date: November 10 – 11, 2014 Moscow…
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Ofcom has today published a report outlining work to help ensure that everyone in the…
Cosa resterà della nostra vita digitale una volta che non ci saremo più? Chi manterrà…
More than 200 organisations and 400 cyber-security professionals from 29 European countries are testing their…
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Ofcom is progressing plans for the introduction of new wireless technology in the UK -…
Fabio Dell’Aversana, Le libertà economiche in Internet: competition, net neutrality e copyright, Roma, Aracne…
Our regulation on eIdentification and Trust services (eIDAS), now signed into the Official Journal, offers…
The European Commission and Europe’s data industry have committed to invest €2.5 billion in a…
Following an in-depth investigation, the European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the…
Today the European Commission – in agreement with Member States – decided that two telecom…
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to examine whether the decision by Luxembourg’s…
The European Commission has closed an investigation into practices by European telecoms operators in the…
The European Commission has authorised, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of WhatsApp…
Low digital skills and competences among school pupils and the need to integrate effective use…
The European Commission today publishes two reports to coincide with an international conference that is…
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Il Tar Lazio con un’ordinanza depositata questa mattina, nell’ambito dei ricorsi promossi avverso il regolamento…
Hosted by Business International – Fiera Milano Media SpA Thu, Sep 25 – 6:00 PM…
L’iniziativa fa parte del progetto EINS Network of Excellence in Internet Science The EU…
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Il Garante privacy torna sul rapporto tra tutela della privacy, diritto/dovere di cronaca ed esercizio…
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