Season’s Greetings


Dear Authors and Followers,

We hope you are all enjoying pleasant holidays.

Medialaws will take a break until 12 January 2015.

Among the novelties of 2014, we are proud to remark the launch of the YouTube Medialaws Webinar Series channel and the publication of the volume “Eventi sportivi e diritti audiovisivi: le esclusive tra concorrenza e regolazione”, edited by Oreste Pollicino and Sara Gobbato, in the series “Diritto e policy dei nuovi media” (Aracne).

We are also delighted to welcome two new members to the editorial board as of 1 January 2015: Luca Belli and Nicolo Zingales (you will find below their bio).

Let us extend a special thanks to some friends of the blog: Italian Academy of the Internet Code, Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, Key4biz, Osservatorio Pugliese della Proprietà Intellettuale Concorrenza e Consumo Digitale and IP Osgoode.

The Staff wishes you all a wonderful new year.  We hope 2015 is a year of great happiness and success for you.

All the best


Luca Belli PhD is a researcher at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) of Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School, Rio de Janeiro. Before joining CTS, Dr. Belli worked for the Council of Europe Internet Governance Unit where he served as an agent. He also worked as a consultant for the Internet Society, he served as a Network Neutrality Expert for the Council of Europe, and worked as a PhD researcher at Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2. In 2011 and 2012 Luca Belli was appointed Internet Society Ambassador to the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and since 2013 he is founder and coordinator of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality as well as co-founder and co-coordinator the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility. Dr. Belli’s works on network neutrality have been used i.a. by the Council of Europe in order to elaborate a Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on Network Neutrality. His doctoral thesis in public law focused on “De la gouvernance à la régulation de l’Internet” and is to be published in 2015.


Nicolo Zingales is assistant professor at Tilburg Law School and fellow at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) of the Fundação Getulio Vargas . Over the past few years, he has been working on various issues of internet law and governance as part of the Digital Single Market Task Force of the European Policy Centre, the World Intermediary Liability Network of Stanford Center for Internet & Society, the Takedown Project network of UC Berkeley Law and the American Assembly, and the Internet & Jurisdiction Project of the International Diplomatic Academy. He has been a consultant on Internet freedom issues for the Association for Progressive Communications and Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), and a Google Policy Fellow for Research ICT Africa. He has participated since 2013 at the UN Internet Governance Forum, in the context of which he co-founded the Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility in 2014. More recently, he initiated at CTS a project on “Online Terms of Service and Human Rights” which was instrumental to the establishment of a partnership between the Center and the Council of Europe, particularly for the implementation of the Guide to Human Rights for Internet Users. He has a degree in law from the University of Bologna and a PhD in international law and economics from Bocconi University.

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