IALS HART LEGAL WORKSHOP 2013: the Constitution of the Public Sphere – the post-Leveson Landscape


Oreste Pollicino and Marco Bassini will hold a lecture on “The freedom of information and the right to be forgotten: a harder and harder balance” at the IALS Hart Legal Workshop 2013, to be held in London on 24-25 June 2013

Please find below the provisional programme of the conference


The Constitution of the Public Sphere: the post-Leveson Landscape

Provisional Programme

Venue: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

Monday 24 June – Tuesday 25 June, 2013

Monday 24 June

Coffee and reception 0900

Welcome 0930

IALS Director

Opening Address 0945-1045

Chair: Professor Eric Barendt, UCL; Speaker: Geoffrey Robertson QC

Parallel Panels 1045-1205

Panel 1A

Panel 5B


Plenary Session: Media Plurality and Media Influence 1315-1435

Chair: tbc

Professor Chris Marsden, University of Sussex; Professor Lorna Woods, City University London

Parallel Panels 1435-1555

Panel 1B

Panel 2B


Plenary Session: Media, Law and the Judiciary 1610-1730

Chair: tbc (judge)

Professor Tom Gibbons, University of Manchester; Professor Leslie Moran, Birkbeck, University of London

Workshop Dinner

Tuesday 25 June

Coffee 0900

Plenary Session: Constraining Journalism? – Newsgathering and Data Protection 0930-1050

Chair: tbc

Gill Phillips, Director of Editorial Legal Services, Guardian News and Media Ltd; Philip Coppel QC, Landmark Chambers

Parallel Panels 1050-1210

Panel 4

Panel 5A


Plenary Session: Libel and Privacy in the Emerging Regulatory Matrix 1315-1435

Chair: tbc

Professor Alastair Mullis, University of East Anglia; Professor Gavin Phillipson, University of Durham

Parallel Panels 1435-1555

Panel 2A

Panel 3


Plenary Session: The Future Shape, Operation and Coherence of Media Regulation 1610-1800

Chair: tbc

Professor John Horgan, Irish Press Ombudsman; Hugh Tomlinson QC, Matrix Chambers and Visiting Professor, London School of Economics; Michael McManus, Director of Transition, Press Complaints Commission; Professor Colin Scott, University College Dublin

Close of Workshop / Drinks Reception


1 Libel and privacy law in the emerging regulatory matrix
A Chair tbc
Speakers Eva Nagle, Barrister-at-Law, Law Library, Dublin: ‘”Unringing” the bell that has sounded so loudly: maintaining anonymity when suing for defamation and privacy in the internet realm’
Dr Aymeric D’Alton, affiliation tbc: ‘Hurting in Defaming’
Dr Mariusz Golecki, University of Lodz: ‘Scylla-and-Charibdis: the reform of defamation laws in comparative and economic perspectives’
B Chair tbc
Speakers Professor Andrew Kenyon, University of Melbourne: ‘Free or Expensive Speech? Defamation Reform Reconsidered’
Dr Paul Wragg, University of Leeds: ‘Leveson’s Regulator, Editorial Freedom and Press Discussion of Ordinary Members of the Public’
<leading practitioner>: tbc
2 The future shape, operation and coherence of media regulation
A Chair Professor Andrew Murray, London School of Economics
Speakers Dr Irini Katsirea, Middlesex University: ‘tbc’
Dr Daithi Mac Sithigh, University of Edinburgh: ‘From newspapers to news-related material: internet exceptionalism after Leveson’
Professor Giovanna de Minico, University of Federico II, Naples: ‘Internet–democracy and freedom of speech’
B Chair tbc
Speakers Professor Ian Walden, Queen Mary, University of London: ‘On the front line: lessons from the PCC’
Chris Mhike, Partner, Atherstone and Cook / Zimbabwe Media Commission: ‘The Lord Leveson Report:  Fodder for Tyrants?’
Judith Townend, City University, London: ‘”Closed” data: obstacles to accessing information about defamation and privacy dispute resolution in England & Wales and the effect on the development of post-Leveson reform’
3 Newsgathering: constraint or constrained?
Chair tbc
Speakers Professor Ian Cram, University of Leeds: ‘Rethinking journalists’ privileges in the era of citizen journalism’
Dr Damien Carney, University of Portsmouth: ‘Newsgathering and criminality: a time for re-assessment of current privileges, protections and defences’
Dr Andrew Scott, London School of Economics: ‘Hiding the truth in the shadow of the law?: the misuse of confidentiality provisions in public authority contracts’
4 Data protection, the media and the public sphere
Chair tbc
Speakers James Michael, Associate Senior Research Fellow, IALS: ‘tbc’
Dr David Erdos, University of Oxford: ‘A new role for data protection vis-à-vis the media in the post-Leveson environment?’
Professor Oreste Pollicino, Bocconi University, Milan and Marco Bassini, University of Verona: ‘The freedom of information and the right to be forgotten: a harder and harder balance’
5 The constitution of the public sphere: reflections on turbulent times
A Chair Anne Barron, London School of Economics
Speakers Richard Danbury, University of Oxford: ‘Sowing the dragon’s teeth: a right of media freedom’
Dr Annabel Brody, University of Amsterdam: ‘Re-regulation of the print media: implications on press freedom’
Oliver O’Callaghan, City University, London: ‘What should we protect when we protect free speech?’
B Chair tbc
Speakers Dr Tarlach McGonagle, University of Amsterdam: ‘Lessons for or from Leveson? a critical examination of the Council of Europe’s new (half-baked) notion of media’
Perry Keller, King’s College London: ‘Leveson and freedom of speech: the unintended consequences of constitutionalisation’
Roy Peled, Columbia Law School / Tel-Aviv University:’Sunlight where it’s needed: the case for freedom of media information’
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