Agreement with EIB for breakthrough of Key Enabling Technologies


At the inaugural meeting of the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the European Commission and the European Investment Bank that will pave the way for improved access to finance for investments in key enabling technologies. KETs – nanotechnology, micro-/nanoelectronics, industrial biotechnology, advanced materials, photonics and advanced manufacturing technologies – are of exceptional importance for shaping the future innovation and competitiveness of the EU. The global market in KETs is forecast to grow from about EUR 650 billion in 2008 to over one trillion euro in 2015. World leading industries in fields of automotive, chemicals, aeronautics, space, health and energy are all users of KETs. To ensure the EU can fully participate in this growth and indeed continue its leading position, a new High-Level Group on KETs was launched today to assist the Commission in the implementation of the European strategy to boost the industrial production of KETs-based products in Europe.

The Group was inaugurated by European Commission Vice-Presidents Antonio Tajani and Neelie Kroes as well as Commissioners Máire Geoghegan-Quinn and Johannes Hahn, reflecting the cross cutting influences on KETs: industrial policy, the digital agenda, research, innovation and science, and regional policy.

European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, underlined that the agreement signed with the EIB was a strong signal to Europe. Key Enabling Technologies are a priority investment area in Europe. Here to read more.

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