EU Data Protection: European Parliament’s Industry committee backs uniform data protection rules


The European Commission today welcomed the adoption of an opinion by the European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) on the Commission’s proposals to reform the EU’s data protection rules which date back to 1995. The vote on the Committee’s opinion, drafted by Member of the European Parliament Seán Kelly, is the latest step towards a swift adoption of the proposed legislation. The Committee’s opinion – which covers the draft general Data Protection Regulation – will now be submitted to the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE), which will consolidate all the amendments submitted so far and vote on its own report at the end of April.

“Today’s vote by the European Parliament’s Industry Committee is an important signal that industry needs uniform and clear data protection rules to take advantage of our Digital Single Market,” said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner. “I thank the ITRE Committee and, in particular the rapporteur, MEP Seán Kelly, for their swift work. This reform is good for business in Europe: one data protection law for one continent, a regulatory one-stop shop with one national data protection authority in charge and a mechanism allowing the European Commission to act as a backstop and ensure consistent application of the rules. This will ensure effective protection of people’s personal data and help to boost economic growth, innovation and job creation in Europe.” Here to read more.

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