The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn (UK), University of Leuven, ICRI & IBBT (Belgium) and the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (Italy) kindly invite you to:

Wednesday 27 June 2012; European Parliament – Plenary Chamber, Brussels

The new media revolution seems to have overturned many old certainties, yet is that a reality or merely a mirage? Is the technological change matched by fundamental shifts of power and influence, or will the traditional big players continue to wield vast influence? Do the new media contribute to, or undermine, a pluralistic public sphere? Do new technologies overcome bottlenecks related to traditional media – do they create new information gatekeepers? Twenty years after the European Commission Green Paper on Pluralism and Media Concentration in the Internal Market, the New Media Forum will ask these and other crucial questions, and seek to find telling answers. This unique meeting in a unique setting will bring together politicians, traditional and new media, academics, NGOs, judges and leaders from the music, film and book industries in a pan-European, and indeed global, dialogue.

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in a unique and unprecedented event in the heart of the European Parliament. Have your say and contribute to shaping future policy and industry responses to opportunities and threats arising from new media for pluralistic discourse and cultural diversity!

For more information and registration: http://www.mediapluralism.eu (Registration will close on 12 June!)

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