The Keynote Speech of Dr. Leonel Fernández-Reyna on “Global Crisis, Social Movements and Cyberactivism”


The president of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernandez-Reyna, offered last June in Barcelona a conference at Blanquerna School of Communication (University Ramon Llull). Dr. Leonel Antonio Fernández Reyna (Santo Domingo, 1953) is Doctor of Law by the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) with a dissertation entitled The delight of Public Opinion (1978). He is “Doctor Honoris Causa” by University La Sorbonne, Harvard, Setton Hall (New Jersey), Universidad Estatal de Santiago de Chile and University of Hankuk (South Corea), among others.

Entitled “Global Crisis, Social Movements and Cyberactivism”, the Dominican President gave a brilliant lecture. He explained anonymous people can be “cyberactivists of the good things” oriented to the consolidation of democracy, “a system that runs the risk of being challenged” and he appealed to the necessity to create a movement of “Global Outrage”.

The President also said that “we’ve gone from having and suffering “coups d’état” to suffer the current “market shock” or “Coups d’état of Financial Markets” in reference to the global crisis and its effect among  the population.

Fernandez-Reyna said that “We must create a global outrage against those who caused the financial crisis”. Also stressed that  “the market has usurped the role of States and they are looking for non-regulation.”

“The crisis has shown that markets are not self-regulating,” he said, and given that “market fundamentalism” ignores the social need to prevail a “balance between markets and states.”

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