CALL FOR IDEAS | 4th DigCon Conference


MediaLaws is pleased to share that the fourth DigiCon Annual Conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on the 24th and 25th of October 2024. The Conference will be devoted to understanding different dimensions of ownership in the context of emergent AI technology.

The main questions that will tackled are: can we apply the same concepts of property in the AI Age? Are creators empowered or endangered by GenAI? How does the right to property change its scope of protection with the spread of AI? What is the role of IP rights in the evolution of digital constitutionalism?

If you wish to share your ideas on these matters, do not miss the opportunity to answer the “call for ideas” launched by DigCon. These inputs will serve as recommendations to inspire regulatory players to act in a given direction. Those ideas will then be allocated to a specific commentator, who will present the idea and criticize it for the author, engaging in direct debate with that vision for a regulatory future.

Submission Guidelines
Ideas or action points should be a total of 300 words in length, and they should address one of the three main topics of the conference – ownership, secrecy and data protection in AI – in the context of AI technology.

They should be submitted to by the 10th of September 2024.

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