EVENT ALERT | Annual Conference of “Law, Science and Technology”


MediaLaws is pleased to invite you to join the annual conference organized by LAST-JD PhD – “Law, Science and Technology” – from July 4 to 5, 2024.

This is the schedule of the two days of the event:

Day 1 – July 4:

9:00 Welcome: Federico Casolari and Monica Palmirani, University of Bologna

9:15-11:00 Session 1: AI Act, Innovation, Society

11:30-13:00 Session 2: AI, Health, Sustainability

14:00-16:00 Session 3: Metaverse, AI, Blockchain

16:30-18:00 Session 4: AI, Regulation, Ethics

Day 2 – July 5: Parallel Sessions


Session A: AI and Data Governance

Session B: Internet of Things and Digital Twins

Session C: Vulnerability, Persons, and Human Rights

Session D: Sustainability, eHealth, and Health Data Space

Session E: DLT, Fintech/DeFi, and Metaverses


Location: Sala Kelsen, via Galliera 3, Bologna

Registration: Recommended for organizing the TEAMS room. The conferences will be held on Microsoft Teams.

For more details, link.

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