MediaLaws is pleased to announce a call for papers organized by the Law & Technology Research Group at Science Po Law School, concerning the theme of Conflicts & Communities in Digital Law.
Researchers in their early careers (PhD stage or less than five years post-PhD) are encouraged to apply for the June Young Digital Law Conference 2024 in Paris.
Submissions addressing the non-exhaustive themes listed below are invited:
- Conflicts over how the benefits and harms of digital technologies are distributed, and the role of law in such conflicts – including perspectives from LPE, legal mobilisation, critical legal theory or STS
- Liability and other accountability and dispute resolution mechanisms in the context of digital technologies, such as AI
- The regulatory politics of technology governance, and the (lack of) representation and participation of different stakeholder communities
- The emergence of communities and governance structures in digital spaces
- The use of digital technologies in the context of security, surveillance, and political and military conflicts or emergencies
- Regulation through algorithms, data and metrics, as well as the digitalisation of public
services and administration - Perspectives and interests of historically marginalised communities in technology
governance, including issues of exclusion and discrimination
The 19th of January is the deadline for submitting the draft papers.
For more information, please visit the following link: Young Digital Law Conference 2024: Conflicts & Communities in Digital Law | Sciences Po École de droit.