Economic Forum, Innovation: on “EU funding post 2020 for Innovation, Creativity and Intellectual Property”

The European Union should encourage companies to protect their ideas, in order to promote growth and development in all Member States.

This is the message sent by experts, political and institutional representatives during the panel EU funding post 2020 for Innovation, Creativity and Intellectual Property on September 5th at the 28th Economic Forum 2018

The protection of intellectual property is a strategic driver for European economy, therefore it’s essential to support entrepreneurs and innovators with adequate tools and financial resources.

The real problem in Europe is that small and medium companies don’t protect their ideas because they think it’s expensive and complicated, said Nathan Wajsman, Chief Economist of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

Moreover the lack of a unitary patent make it more difficult for entrepreneurs to invest in intellectual property rights, according to Iwona Mertin, Project Manager of EUROCHAMBRES – Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

In this context the EU budget post 2020 will play a key role in sustaining innovation and creativity, said Laszlo Turoczy, Deputy State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance, while underlining the importance of business involvement.

European companies must be equipped with proper knowledge, so that they can use the best strategies to protect their intellectual property rights.

The Polish Patent Office provide different services for businesses, such as training programmes and advisory, said Sylwia Wit vel Wilk, Director of the Department of the Jurisprudence at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

The registration of intellectual property rights gives value to your ideas and to have a patent portfolio is useful when you look for investors, said Joris Verschoor, Chief Operating & Technical Officer of the Seal Network.
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