The Public Digital Identity System (SPID) and e-commerce: Toward a more secure way of purchasing online?
Article published on the Portolano Cavallo website on 16th September 2020 The Public Digital…
Article published on the Portolano Cavallo website on 16th September 2020 The Public Digital…
Il 26 marzo 2019 è stato approvato il testo definitivo della proposta di “Direttiva sul…
Il prof. Oreste Pollicino, fondatore e direttore di MediaLaws.eu, rappresentante italiano presso il Management Board…
The European Parliament published the final edition of its decision of 18 June 2020 on setting…
Presentazione del libro “Disinformation and Hate Speech: A European Constitutional Perspective” di Giovanni Pitruzzella e…
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Summary: The CJEU has established that the market concentration thresholds set forth by Article 43(11)…
On September 18th, the CJEU released the judgement in Case C-265/19 “Recorded Artists Performers Limited v…
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At its July 9 meeting, the Italian Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) assessed the findings of…
Articolo pubblicato su Questione e Giustizia il 7 settembre 2020 Lo sviluppo delle piattaforme…
On September 14th, the Publications Office of the European Union released the final report “Study…
Analysis of Advocate General’s opinion on the joined Cases C-682/18 and C-683/18 Introduction The arena…
On September 15th, the European Court of Justice interprets, for the first time, the EU regulation…
Uno degli aspetti maggiormente discussi in ambito giurisprudenziale e dottrinale della disciplina sul diritto…
La condivisione e il riutilizzo dei dati sono al centro degli sforzi e delle risorse…
According to the Advocate General Szpunar Opinion in Case C-392/19 VG Bild-Kunst v Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz,…
According to the Advocate General Szpunar Opinion in Case C-62/19 Star Taxi App SRL, released on…
The European Commission published the Staff Working Document (SWD(2020)180) which sets out the key findings of…
Law and Media Working Paper Series no. 3/2020 La responsabilità per le violazioni su…
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In its response to the European Commission’s public consultations on the Digital Services Act (DSA)…
On September 7th, the European Data Protection Board has updated its Guidelines on the concepts of…
Case note to CJEU of 19 December 2019 C-390/18 (AHTOP v. AIRBNB Ireland) …
Pubblicati i requisiti aggiuntivi fissati dal Garante per la protezione dei dati personali per l’accreditamento…
W-H Questions: Trattamento di Fine Rapporto e Trattamento di Fine Servizio a confronto Il rapporto…
In Case C-264/19, the CJEU provides clarification on the interpretation of Art.8 Directive 2004/48/EC, thus…
On September 3rd, the CJEU released the judgment in Case C-719/18 “Vivendi SA v Autorità…
A due anni dall’entrata in vigore del Regolamento UE 679/2016 (25 maggio 2018) sono state…
Corte di Cassazione, sez. I penale, 16 gennaio 2020, n. 1602 Corte di Cassazione, sez.…
This groundbreaking book explores the new legal and economic challenges triggered by big data, and…