Happy Anniversary, Single Market! EU celebrates digital economy renewed pattern for inclusive growth
Single Market between past achievements and present concerns From 15 to 20 October, the 27…
Single Market between past achievements and present concerns From 15 to 20 October, the 27…
The European Commission has called on the Finnish telecoms regulator (FICORA) to amend or withdraw…
Ladies and gentlemen You’ve been talking about the role of public communication. How it can…
Le nuove regole sulla privacy decise da Google non sono adeguate a tutelare gli utenti…
Ofcom today announced plans to consult on how to protect consumers from unexpected price rises…
La battaglia di Authors Guild nei confronti della googleteca di Mountain View è giunta ad…
Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that the Austrian Data Protection…
Every day, people everywhere rely on the internet ecosystem for ever more services. No longer…
The European Commission has launched a public consultation with a view to updating the current…
I want to talk to you today about broadband. But first: I want to tell…
There are three cases, among the many decided by the Court in the past few…
1. The Decisions of the Council of State Voiding the Existing LCN At the end…
1. Il d.d.l. costituzionale approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri nella seduta dell’11 ottobre 2012 si…
Neubot is a research project on network neutrality of the NEXA Center for Internet &…
The 2004 Communication of the European Commission regarding the management of copyright and related rights…
Thank you for inviting me today. Online privacy and online business need to go hand…
From public service broadcasting to the collection of our personal data, farmers’ subsidies to the…
Quello che ha coinvolto Tim Lee e Fred Campbell a proposito di Google Fiber è…
Accordo tra Società Italiana Autori Editori (SIAE) e Amazon per il nuovo servizio di Cloud,…
The reposting of this article from the Osgoode IPilogue is part of a cross-posting agreement.…
Riprende con questo articolo a firma di Raffaella Natale la collaborazione editoriale tra Medialaws e…
Joint Statement by Vice President Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Commissioner Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism &…
It’s a pleasure to be here with you in Cannes. You know, I’ve spent a…
1. Un recentissimo arresto della Corte di Cassazione (sent. Sezione III penale, 13 giugno 2012…
Today, amid all the daily news of Europe’s many challenges, I’m delighted to tell a…
Il Consiglio dell’Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, presieduto da Angelo Marcello Cardani, relatore Antonio…
1. Nel mese di agosto 2012 è stata portata all’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica la vicenda delle…
Flyer 17
This paper aims to analyse a specific dimension of the progressive transformation of the territorial/nation-state…
Finalmente divulgate le motivazioni della sentenza che ha assolto Carlo Ruta dal reato di stampa…
1. What are orphan works and why is a directive to deal with them needed?…
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